Diversity for All
Diversity for All
The Nam Sang Wai development will offer about 2,520 residential units, of which over 20% will be small flats. We look forward to the government approval of a Home Ownership Scheme here so more opportunities will be given to the wider public to access quality, yet affordable housing.
To help meet the needs of an ageing population, we are in discussion with the Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association (HKADA) to operate a residential cum day care centre, and a carer training centre, as well as with the Intellectually Disabled Education and Advocacy League (IDEAL) to provide a small residential centre. If these centres move forward, the two NGOs will also help raise community awareness of the growing ageing issues and needs of the elderly.
The residential project will occupy a much smaller footprint of 11.6 hectares. This is dramatically reduced from the originally approved scheme of 98.6 hectares. The master plan has been developed with the utmost respect for the surrounding environment and ecology with earthy and unpretentious architecture.
*Ramsar site is wetland of international importance, designated under the Ramsar Convention. The Ramsar Convention is an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources.